Log Date: 3/16/97 Log Intro: Wiz meeting on the above date, Natil, Mud, and Mirya in attendance. ---------- Natil opens a log to save stuff for later reference, though I guess we can keep this informal and fast. :) And once more I'd like to apologize for oversleeping, I feel like a royal idjit. :/ Mud says "Happens to anyone." Mirya patpats. You say "So, truncated version of the agenda: magic applications, book character apps. *snugs yah both* First on my list of applications for magic is FireFlower as a firestarter. D'yall have +mail on her or do you need anything forwarded?" Mirya's got it, feels 'no'. You say "Howsabout you, Mud? We have a vote in from Vale on this as well." Mud is looking up in his mail, and having bad line noise in not being able to read anything over a few lines long like @descs. Um, Fireflower is a tribeless solitary person? Natil has three bits of mail from FireFlower but they're all just to her, I notice. Grf. Anyway, the short form of the story on FireFlower is that she wishes to be a Scattered Wolfrider -- specifically, a Wolfrider refugee from 'Icecrystal Holt', which was founded by Scattereds. This tribe originally came into history when Winterstar, a prior Scattered who is now idledested, showed up at Willowholt a long while back. +info FireFlower Fireflower can't remember much of her cubhood except that her name was once Jeen. The only real memories she has is of being smoothered by snow and melting ice. She remembers before the ice she was playing near the opening of a warm place then suddenly blackness... coldness... muffled cries for help... then a spark... a warm wetness flowing around her in the blackness. It seemed forever before the little elf was out of the strangling darkness. When she awoke, she found herself curled up outside of what used to be her tribe's holt. The small elf was almost a solid piece of ice. Barely able to move, she longed for warmth. All she could think of were the fires that had warmed her home. SUddenly, a small pile of debris near her burst into flame and began to thaw the young elf. When she was able to move, she crawled closer to the small fire and dried her half warmed body and clothes. After losing everything dear to her, FireFlower developed a sad kind of wonderlust. The first elves she met in her wanderings named her FireFlower because of ehr beauty and her firestarting abiliy. They were scared of her magic but awed by her strange beauty. When she noticed the affect she had on other elves with her magic, FireFlower learned many ways to mask her gift. As she grows older, FireFlower remembers bits and pieces of her life before the coldness. She remembers things like a smile of a motherly type elf or the ghoust of a name 'Icecrystal Holt.' Only small and slight memories added up over the years make up the memory of her cubhood. Since she awoke, FireFlower has never been able to be fully warmed. She is constantly searching for warmer places and warmer people. You say "She wishes to have firestarting as the explanation for how she managed to survive the destruction of this particular northern Holt, and the cold terrain it was in." You say "Her +info is set for her history." Mud feels 'no' for 'not yet another gone holt'. Let's move on quickly, he'll reserve and reread all mail tomorrow. You say "My own vote on this is that the 'gone holt' was already in established history, and I give her points for trying to include herself in an established one's history rather than making up a completely new one by herself. Vale was okay on this, looks like we have a tie; I shall bug Elswen for the deciding vote. Moving on." Mud says "Oh, right." You say "Next person on the list is DarkDream, who wanted to be, for lack of a better word, 'precognitive.' Checking for +mail on her, and she, too, has a +info set; I already set her up as a Scattered since her history was okay for that." Mirya says "No." Mirya says "EQ don' have precogs." Mud says "The magic is ill-defined. I recall debating precog with Vale, and couldn't find a way to fit it in with existing magics. If there is a way, I'll reconsider." Natil personally sees no way to fit precognition into Elfquest magics, and considers the notion of Suntop's hearing of the 'cry' invalid, on the grounds that its source was the High Ones, who were falling across time due to the original accident that stranded them. I agree with Vale in that the reason Suntop heard it -- and was able to shift it over to Rayek -- is simply because that those elves had gotten to the point in time where they'd caught up with the echo of the cry. My vote is no. Natil will notify DarkDream appropriately. Natil peers at her list. Next, we have a big ol' magic app from Jhaikyn which was sent to us by Shayilbey of the Underworld. I have this in my email, it went to tm-wiz; do either of you need it forwarded? Mud can't get to email right now. Can read it on weekdays. Mirya hasn't read it, though it's in her email box. Shall we skip it? You say "The story set is very long; I'm skimming it right now. Jhaikyn does not have a +info set, either. Should we postpone this one until tomorrow, for your vote, Mud?" Mud says "Okay." Natil peers. He's applying for no less than three magics. Y'all better read the email in question; Mirya, do you have it? Mirya has it. Has not read it. You say "Okay. Action item for both of you: please read it. He's asking for Finding, Healing _and_ Plantshaping, and that's a pretty tall order, but he also sent a very long history about it. Shayilbey's comments are also interspersed with the bio sent, so. I'll bug Els and Vale about this as well. Moving on..." You say "Next on the list is Axil as treeshaper. Y'all need a refresher on this one?" Mirya says "Give it to him. :)" Mud says "Catelf? No prob." You say "Okay. One moment whilst I throw together some +mail..." Message: 1/34 in folder main Received: Sat Jan 4 19:00:47 1997 From: Kiera To: wizards (global mail alias) Subject: Fwd: Axil's plantshaping tale Flags: FORWARDED TIMEOUT WARNING Text: Received from: Axil At long last, I've finally taken the time to sit down and consider a story behind Axil's development of plantshaping magic. So, without further ado, the tale: Long ago, in what may have been simpler times for the catelves, before much if any contact with the outside world had been established, was a young adolescent named Axil. Like most catelves his age, he was rambunctious and eager, seeing and learning the world around him like never before, and trying to find his place in the tribe as one of the adults. However, Axil was unique physically... he was really quite short for a catelf, and though he was still a teenager, it appeared obvious that his stature would never reach that of the average tribe member. This hadn't really bothered Axil, though, as he found his height to be advantageous at times, and he thought it made him special. His father, Kerzon, on the other hand, was not so appreciative. Being in a line of warrior hunters, the defenders from humans as well as the meat suppliers of the tribe, he had pressured Axil into pursuing something he had little interest in. Kerzon didn't resent Axil for his size, but he knew that to be an effective warrior, Axil would need to work twice as hard as the others to keep up. And the fact that Axil's interest stemmed in frivilous observations of nature drove him to frustration. In time, an enmity so fierce grew and boiled between father and son that after the most heated fight they ever fought, Axil took his few belongings and walked away from the tribe, never to again return. *I thought the stars a gift from her to the ebon skies above* -Kiera-Chief of the Catelf Tribe Options: +add note=, +delete, +forward, +move, +reply, +replyall, +save Message: 2/34 in folder main Received: Sun Jan 5 00:39:49 1997 From: Kiera To: wizards (global mail alias) Subject: Fwd: Axil's plantshaping tale 2 Flags: FORWARDED TIMEOUT WARNING Text: Being alone took some getting used to, but bitter as Axil was, he forced himself to get used to it. Not being much of a hunter, Axil used his knowledge of vegetation to survive off of berries, fruits, and roots to tie him over. He took an unusual fascination with plants, and in the hidden regions of the jungle, would grow them and experiment with them at his leisure. One winter, an unusual storm front cause an extremely rare cold spell to hit the jungle for a couple of days. In that time, Axil anguished to see the plants in his garden that he tended to were dying from the unheard of coolness. He was deeply moved with anguish within himself, and, while holding the plants, he almost instictively willed them back to life, not expecting the results that occured... Apparently he had the magic to heal them within himself and he had somehow tapped into it by accident. Shocked at first, he soon came to tap into this new found ability even more, testing the limits of what he could offer the plants that in turned helped him for food, and eventually shelter. The jungle, after many turns in solitude, was growing in the number of intrudors from all over the world. Axil deemed it necessary to protect himself, lest his father learn of his whereabouts. He used his plantshaping ability to create a thick, dense shield of undergrowth around his dwelling area in order to remain concealed. Strangleweed, briars, and other deterents, and his relatively small area would cause any logical being to move around his glade rather than through it. And so, keeping to himself for the most part, with the occasional trip to the Outside, Axil spends his time with his garden, experimenting with his magic, and enjoying the beauty of life that vegetation brings. ---- Below this line are comments added by Kiera ---- Currently only one other Catelf blooded character in my tribe has this magic. The other is a Wolfrider we've adopted. I fully approve of this request as long as the level is kept under or at Moderate Control. Please consider this. Thank you! *I thought the stars a gift from her to the ebon skies above* -Kiera-Chief of the Catelf Tribe Options: +add note=, +delete, +forward, +move, +reply, +replyall, +save You say "Kiera wants his level to be at Moderate Control or under, so lemme see..." Natil sets him at 40, which makes Moderate Control, and notifies Kiera and Axl. Natil +i Mirya keens. Mud feeds Mirya with strips of meat as long as Mirya's eyes whirl. You say "Moving right along. Next on my list is Picture as a stormseer; she sent +mail to which I responded. Do either of you need her +mail forwarded?" Mirya rumbles most satisfiedly. << Thank you, Mud! >> Mirya doesna like 'precognition' in any form. Mud says "Stormseeing isn't precog. It's related to the ability of animals to sense storms coming--to feel the movement of air, the barometer dropping, and so forth." You say "Well... 'stormseeing' in TM's context _is_ a valid magic; it's simply weather sensitivity. What Mud said." Mud says "Did Picture ever respond to Natil's mail?" Mirya says "Nope, but her +app discusses precog. I don't mind her being a stormseer, I just don't like precot ideas." Message: 23/35 in folder main Received: Thu Feb 20 19:21:18 1997 From: Picture To: wizards (global mail alias) Subject: Stormseeing Text: Greetings wizards. I would like to request having the special magic 'Stormseeing' (PSS). 1) How would I use Stormseeing to increase or assist with roleplay? Briarholt is an Island and can suffer from tidal waves, hurricanes, etc. Picture would be able to predict such happenings, Roleplay trying to explain how she knows. OOCly, it could be used to form Tinyplots surrounding natural disasters or occurances, such as storms, hurricanes, etc etc. 2) Why should Picture possess the Stormseeing ability? Well, Picture is already 'gifted' with a form of precognition. Being able to 'predict' the weather would tie into her abilities. Although she doesn't have any recorded anscestors with Stormseeing, it would expand a little on her character, and fit the basic concept. 3)What ranking of Storm Seeing should Picture have? Picture should have beginnings of control at first. She will have some control over Storm Seeing, but learnign to control how she percieves the weather will be part of RPing. Picture OOC Chief of Briarholt Options: +add note=, +delete, +forward, +move, +reply, +replyall, +save Message: 24/35 in folder main Received: Fri Feb 21 16:16:25 1997 From: Natil To: FarSeeker, Mud, Vale, Elswen, Natil, Picture, Mirya Subject: Re: Stormseeing Text: How, exactly, are you explaining Picture having any 'precognition', given that no such talent is acknowledged in Elfquest canon? We've been having a discussion on this very issue involving another character's magic request, you see. I have read your +info and all I got from it was that she had a dream the night her parents died, and I would not necessarily explain that as 'precognition', but more a simple sensitivity to the passing of kin and loved ones, which _has_ been demonstrated before by elves in Elfquest. Also, I would like to point out that Briarholt's current location has _NOT_ been a long-term location for the tribe; further, you weren't born there, as far as I know, so you have no reason to invoke environmental need for having Stormseeing. Other wizards, opinions on this, please? Options: +add note=, +delete, +forward, +move, +reply, +replyall, +save You say "Picture at no point responded to my +mail." Mud says "Then no until Picture has a discussion about it." Natil nods. Mirya? Mirya dittos Mud. Mud idly notes that the animals here got very upset before the storm hit on Friday, then they tucked down and sheltered through the storm. To: Picture Cc: wizards (global mail alias) Subject: Stormseeing/Precognition Magics Text: Picture, you never responded to my reply on the issue of you having precognition and stormseeing; we formally discussed this amongst the wizards, and we would simply like to state that we acknowledge no precognitive abilities as canon in Elfquest. So please do not portray your character as possessing any such thing. We are amenable to discussing the idea of you as a stormseer but we need to see some input from you as to why this would be a valid magic for you to possess; my point in the last +mail sent was that since you were not born among the Briarholters on their current island (from what I can tell) you had no particular reason to have been born with storm-sensitivity. If you can provide us with a reason in your background why this would be something your character would have, we can talk about that. Thanks. Options: +proof, +send, +toss, +cc, +bcc, +edit =/ or +set mail flag [!] Natil takes a mighty scythe through her +mail, and peers. Okay, I have two more people on my list: Whiterose wants to be a treeshaper, and I need to corner Thorn about that first before punting it up to the wizards; in the meantime, StarLove applied to be a water controller, in a +mail sent us by Tynami. Do y'all need that one? Mirya thinks it's an ok app. Ti has arrived. Mud says "No other Raft has PWC. It's not a spectacular app, but it's okay." Mirya nods at Mud. Hi Ti. Ti waveis to everyone. Hope you don't mind if I drop by. Natil yos to Ti. We're actually pretty close to done. Message: 23/33 in folder main Received: Fri Feb 21 20:44:26 1997 From: Tynami To: wizards (global mail alias) Subject: Fwd: Magic app-Forwarded to you first for your comments Flags: FORWARDED Text: Received from: Starlove I would like to apply for the magic: water control. Yes, I know that StarLove is a young character, but children with magical abilities have occured, especially with the characters Suntop, Pool, and Leetah, whose magic was apparent when they were children. 1) How would my having water control affect my RP as a whole? First of all, StarLove is a Sea Elf. Sea Elves live by water. Her use of magic with the water would affect Roleplay greatly because of the large impact water has on the Rafter's way of life, may it be capturing game, forming small pools, having some control over waves and tide, or just learning how to use it. 2) Why should StarLove be granted Water Control? Starlove is a child of Recognition. Recognition usually takes two parents that would have powerful offspring, such as Tyleet and Scouter. Although neither of them had any extraordinary 'magic' abilities, their son Pool came out with increased magic feeling/tracking. Although Tidechaser and SeaRose don't seem to have water control, the fact that the water takes up a great deal of the Sea Elves' lifestyle would be enough to trigger the potential inside StarLove. 3) What power level should StarLove have? Somewhat Controlled would be a decent level for her. While StarLove is very young, she is old enough to be able to control it, but making it too controlled would be a little out of hand. Somewhat controlled would give her time to adjust and learn her econtrol, but be powerful enough to let her -use- it to a moderate degree. --- Tynami, Chieftess of the Raft --- Options: +add note=, +delete, +forward, +move, +reply, +replyall, +save Natil decides to go ahead and grant it; I don't have a problem with it either. Natil, with that, kerzaps the kid with a low level water control. Natil peers. Starlove has _NO_ magics set; she should be sent through the magic room and then have the water control set. I'll notify her to contact me to get this dealt with. Mirya huh. You say "That clears my queue of magic apps. The other things I wanted to talk about were book char apps, as well as this business with Brittlegem wanting to be half-elf half-troll." You say "Starlove's a cub; I'm not surprised she has no magics." You say "Especially if she went through the cub room." Mirya oh. Mirya's butt is falling asleep. You say "We'll keep this short, then." Mirya hasn't actually *read* Brittlegem's extesnive application, but I object in theory. Mud has found Brittlegem's app to be a rehash of 'Winnie on the island' plots, not novel or even taking into account the impact of this strong an elf on the rest of TM. Natil okay. I think we'll need to hash this one out in more detail. You say "In the meantime, since we are pressed for time..." You say "We have two apps for Tyleet, a minor book character; either of you have any objections to handing the character out to one of these players? Lasaar was the first one to apply." Mud says "Nah." Mirya says "Standard 1-month trial, go ahead." You say "Okay, I'll handle that. That clears my queue for the abbreviated meeting; either of you wanna get in any formal discussion or shall we adjourn?" Mud says "Not really, not now." You say "Okay. Mirya?" Mirya'd as soon adjourn. Mud says "Oh, one more thing." Mud says "What about that refugees from another Mush thing?" Mirya says "oh." You say "Ah yes." Mirya thinks the idea is, in theory, okay. You say "I think that, assuming that there are no major timeline problems that involve us absorbing Lost Tribes' history into ours, my only problem with those folks getting here is how the heck they get here, IC. I'm not sure I buy a bondbird carrying them all the way across the ocean." Mud read it once, has to reread it again, wanted to know how hard it would be for elves to go back to visit 'the other side'--we once had plans for that other side, didn't we? And isn't sure from the app if they themselves knew how they'd interact with the rest of TM. Natil notes that the Lost Tribes continent is not to be confused with the second continent portrayed in later EQ stories; this is an entirely new place. Natil thinks that we need to nail down where in relation to our territory the Lost Tribes continent would have been and whether it's feasible for refugees from there to get here. I'd also want to see a plot explaining _why_ they'd want to get here as well as _how_. Mud says "And are they permanent?" You say "Given that Lost Tribes is now shut down, there's no place for them to go back to." Mud says "See, if we established that Lost Tribe continent is here, then that opens us to--say, people wanting to visit there, wanting to build there, and so forth. More work to keep things consistent with their history if people go back there, etc." You say "Yes. Taking in these characters means taking in that whole timeline as well as the continent they came from." Mirya says "Why did Lost Tribes shut down?" You say "Lack of a player base. They had like about 12 people playing there." Mirya oh yeah. Mud says "I'm a tad hesitant about claiming Lost Tribes to be part of TM without LT's consent." You say "Valid issue. Shenera would be the person to ask about that." You say "Do y'all wanna shelve this until we can talk to Shenara? She'd also be the person we should talk to to see about any problems with incorporating timeline details." Mud says "Is Shenara the LT god/wizard/what?" You say "Yep." You say "Shenara == our old Savah/god/etc. Lost Tribes was her new baby." Mud says "Oh, ah. I didn't realize that. Are any of the transfers her?" Natil doesn't know. Karal hasn't mentioned other names. Mud says "Yes, I think it a good idea to ask Shenera." Natil okay. Let's do that. You say "Any other issues before we adjourn?" Mud says "I think that's all. Oh, Psycho dropped by mysterious lines by me today when I was idling. 'Two more'. And I haven't heard from DesertElves, I gave them their builder, haven't heard a thing since." Natil nods. Oh, and one for you, Ti, as long as you're here: Shayilbey/Geolin made noises at me about volunteering to administer the TM-related mailing lists on lupine for you. Natil advises that you check with Shay/Geo about this. Ti says "Already taken care of." You say "Ah, cool beans. :)" Ti says "(S)he has the password as of yesterday. Is getting bearings right now." Mirya bamfs. Mirya goes home. Mirya has left. Natil closes her log. [End log.]