"The Naming of Riddle" Log Date: 7/10/02 Log Cast: Wayfound, Tefin Log Intro: A dire calamity has befallen the camp of humans and elves that for many moons now has been settled on the beach of the Vastdeep Water: they have been attacked without warning by a pack of near-wolves, horribly altered and changed by the deliberate use of magic. Elves and humans both have died as a result, and though the two elves with the sharpest intellects in the entire camp--Wayfound of Lostholt and Tefin of the Go-Backs--have endeavored to learn all they can from the captured body of one of the beasts, they have not been able to identify the elf who must have shaped them. And so Vardeus, the leader of the humans from the distant land of Vrae, has issued the order to move inland and set off on the long journey to the village of the tribe of the Olbar, from which hail Xhosa, Shelbor, and Coralfire, all of whom have contributed their own aid to the stranded Vraeyans. Anxious to honor the Olbar and their gods out of gratitude for the assistance, Vardeus has taken up Xhosa on her invitation to come and visit her people--a journey that, unfortunately, most of the elves who have been in the camp cannot make, for the Olbar tribe is not known for being welcoming to their kind. The elves of Briarholt have parted company with the humans; so too has Shay'la, once of the Underworld and now more or less of the Raft Elves. But Wayfound and Tefin have continued to travel with the Tall Ones, both of them fascinated by the unusual humans--and, as it happens, more and more fascinated with each other as well, for neither has ever before conceived that there might be another elf of reasonable, rational bent in the world. Tefin, more openly poetic than the gruff young Wolfrider, has even taken it upon himself to make a gesture of his appreciation to Wayfound of this bond between them. And one night, while the Vraeyans make their cautious way upriver past Blue Mountain and Wayfound is on watch, the Go-Back goes to do just that.... ---------- Vraeyan Camp(#1655AJae) This is a sizeable camp of approximately two dozen humans -- impossible to miss from afar, regardless of one's race. There are simply too many of the Tall Ones, and they are too noisy as well, to make stealth much of an option. Obvious, too, are the impromptu shelters and cookfires they have created for themselves in this camping place, and the smells of burned wood and sod and cooked food, along with the general aroma of humankind, override any subtler scents in the area. More astute observers, however, might note that the camp is not occupied by humans alone -- for there are the scents of elves here as well, and their smaller footprints intermingle with the bigger ones of the humans on the ground in and around the campsite. For that matter... perhaps most amazingly... the elves in the camp seem to be dwelling here as equals to the Tall Ones, and not as prisoners. Contents: Shelbor's tent Tefin Coralfire's Tent(#1669AJe) Yellow Raven's Tent(#6222Je) It's difficult for a camp full of nearly two dozen humans to be truly silent, even when most of them have settled down for their night's slumbers. The sounds of most of the Vraeyans tossing and turning in their sleep, snoring, occasionally muttering -- and in the case of Dharce, sometimes sobbing quietly -- can be heard playing a counterpoint to the slap of the river water against the shore and the subtler noises of the night. Raven and Wayfound, as the camp's Wolfriders, divide the night up between them for the constant watches that Vardeus has urged of the camp at large -- and although some of the humans have shifted themselves onto a night schedule to help the elves, Wayfound does not seek out Iletya this night. She is within shouting distance if trouble should arise, but truth be told... she can concentrate on keeping watch better if the humans aren't distracting her. And so Wayfound has claimed a tree for her lookout perch, more than once casting a wary eye up at the shadow that is the shape of Blue Mountain against the midnight sky... and thinking, pensively, each time she does. It has been hard for Tefin to get used to this new sleeping schedule that the camp has adjusted itself to. Sure, sleeping during the day made the movement in the evening that much more comfortable and the journey that much safer, but after several nights of stubbed toes and getting smacked in the face with branches, he's finally started to see well enough to make his way around without injury. It's been a few days since he'd had a nice conversation with Wayfound, and although there is really nothing important to speak of, he does enjoy time with the wise young elf. The trees here are a bit closer together, and it's harder to pick out the particular tree she chose as a vantage point... "Here, Tefin, if you're looking for me." Her voice drifts down from above, no more than the most necessary of whispers. The Go-Back is more graceful in the woods than the humans -- but still, Wayfound smells him coming, as a breeze in off the river brings his scent up to her. To try to guide him, she sends out a single twinkle of a sending, even as she adds softly, "Is all well?" A soft chuckle can be heard rising up from the forest floor as he follows your voice and twinkle before starting to climb. "Of course I'm looking for you, Wayfound." he says quietly as he moves as stealthily as he can up the trunk of the tree toward where you perch, settling himself in the cradle formed by several thick branches jutting from the same area on the tree, a place almost to your level. "Aye, all is well." he says as he settles in, the branches rustling a little. "The Vraeyans are sleeping as soundly as they can, the ((wagons)) are in good repair, and the hunters have found adequate game sources, so food will not be a problem." "Good," is the maiden's reply, just a touch of satisfaction brightening her otherwise solemn voice. She turns her head slightly to cast a glance back towards the campsite, where temporary tents have been erected and where Vardeus has had his people pull the ((wagons)) -- lashed to the rafts they've made out of what was left of their ((ship))'s hull -- as much ashore as they can be pulled. "The night has been undisturbed; I have seen no sign of either monsters, or of the Gliders taking notice of us." "That is good to hear. Vardeus has been pushing himself so hard lately, in an effort to reach the camp, that a relaxing night of sleep will be most beneficial to him." He glances back at the camp, then over at the mountain, silohuetted against the star-strewn sky. "I'm curious to know what it's like in there, but I'm afraid of what might happen if I get the courage to find out." "Vardeus, I am informed, is prone to pushing himself to his limits when he thinks his people is in peril," Wayfound notes quietly. "But Tiana looks after him." At her companion's further remark, she looks back around to study him in the night's darkness, her ambergreen eyes gleaming faintly. There is a pause, and then she says, very quietly indeed, "There is great beauty within Blue Mountain, much finely shaped stone and wonders of which I had not conceived when I was a cub. But..." Is that a tinge of disquiet, perhaps even fear, disturbing the solemn calm of her voice? There is certainly hesitation there, as she seems to struggle to find her words. "I... remember a stark coldness of spirit, as well." "As beautiful as Shay'la's gift, but as cold as a stone in winter..." he murmurs quietly, quickly glancing over his shoulder at the needle of stone nearby before turning his attention back to you. perhaps this experience is one that can be adequately shared with second-hand tales, instead of first-hand experience. "I spoke to one who said she was from that place, some time ago. A glider on her travels. She expressed to me the same sentiment that you just did...and I believe that I do not wish to experience that place while it is such a soulless void." "You might have a better time of it than I," Wayfound must admit, though this is not uttered with much enthusiasm, "as you are without wolf-blood; those within the Mountain who are of... contemptuous nature seem to have somewhat more patience for outside elves who are not Wolfriders. However, that you are without magic may also count against you." She pauses again, lets out an uncomfortable breath, and looks skyward towards the black shadow of the peak silhouetted against the higher branches and the stars. "In fairness I must also report that several of the Gliders did bid my tribesmates a kind welcome, but others did not, and it... was difficult to say how any Glider we did not know would receive us." "That could be true, aye.." Tefin offers with an almost imperceptible shrug. "Fortunately, I do not feel a burning need to visit such a dark place when others have done so before me and can share their experiences." Carefully he sits up, standing on one of the branches below as to place himself a bit closer to you, so that voices do not carry and...well...so that he's closer to you. Perhaps a change of subject would be in order. "I have come to a decision, Wayfound, and I thought that you would be interested in what it is." She blinks a little, just a little, but shows no sign of protest at the closer proximity as the Go-Back climbs nearer to her within the tree. "Surely," Wayfound answers, brows rising just a trifle, eyes widening, indicative of her interest. So pleased is she to find another elf that thinks as she does that the Wolfrider cannot help but be interested in any such pronouncement from Tefin's mouth. Tefin, the diminuitibe go-back, takes a short breath and begins. "Over the past season, you and I have spent an inordinate amount of time with one another; be it learning from the Vraenans, discussing life, the universe, and everything in the camp before sleep, or simply sitting and spending time, as we are doing now." A slight flush colors his cheeks which you may be able to see in the moonlight. "I...I have become quite fond of you." And still no mention of a decision...perhaps this is the preface. Now the she-elf's attention has been thoroughly captured -- not that Wayfound had not been listening, just that before this admission of Tefin's, she'd also been diverting part of her senses to the necessary task of keeping watch. However, now the priorities abruptly shift. His blush is indeed visible to her Wolfrider's eyes, and in fact it calls up a bit of a mirroring blush upon her own cheek. "I... must profess a similar opinion in regards to you," she murmurs. Her smiles still do not come easily, but one tries to flicker into being now, uncertain, shy. "I... I appear to lack proper words to express my pleasure at having your acquaintance, these past many eights of days." He is silent for a time, worrying his lower lip thoughtfully as he tries to work out what exactly to say next. "I...I tried to plan this...what I'm saying now...to be more eloquent and to have somewhat of a flow..." the best laid plans of mice and elves apparently don't hold up in the face of emotion, but still he stumbles on. "It is a practice with my tribe...when you discover someone who you have a great...affection for, to give them a short name, a nickname, that only you and that person would know." He grips the branch he's holding on to a little nervously. "the most difficult part of that practice is coming up with a short nickname suitable for that person, and after much thought, I've decided to give you one...I just hope it fits." The awkwardness, the uncertainty of phrasing for one for whom words generally come far more comfortably; Wayfound is not at all unfamiliar with the problem. And so she waits with profound patience, even as what Tefin tells her brings a deeper flush to her cheeks and noticeable startlement to her eyes. "I... see," she blurts tinily. "I am honored, Tefin, th-that you have reached such a conclusion about me...!" "No...wayfound...the honor is mine." He says quietly, resting one hand on your knee lightly, as if to reinforce to himself what he is saying. "When I first arrived here, I met you and found an elf who thought and experienced the world as I did. Who understood that events happen for reasons that can be distilled from stories and conjecture from others." he falls silent for a time, giving your knee a gentle squeeze before looking up at you. "I have decided to call you my Riddle, Wayfound. Ever since I have met you, I have tried to discern the answer to who you are and why you are as I am. But all I find are more questions. Riddle seemed to fit you." "I..." Wayfound pulls in a bit of a shuddering breath, her normal stoic composure giving noticeable way beneath the emotions roiling up within her now... but it does not appear to be a sound of distress. It is certainly not distress that makes that uncertain smile of hers wobble its way into greater size, while her eyes grow liquid and her hand comes with a motion entirely unhesitant to cover that of her companion's. "If it is your intent to t-tell me," she stammers, "that you find me stimulating to continuous activity of thought... I am doubly gratified...!" And a choked little laugh, an actual laugh despite the rusty sound of it, escapes her. "I-I-I can think of... nothing that I would find a greater compliment...!" There are emotions in that lithe frame of hers, it seems, and one of Tefin's generous smiles drifts across his features. "That is my intent, my beautiful Riddle. You must promise me something, however...you must promise to never censor yourself around me. If you feel the need to say something, please...say it. Tell me I'm wrong. Show me a different way....two minds always are better than one." There _are_ emotions there; it simply seems that Wayfound is far too accustomed to looking them away. But the request of freely given speech... that is enough to break past her inner walls, making part of her leap up in joy while another part shudders, for this exact request was last made to her by someone very dear. She begins to blink rapidly, while her eyes grow more liquid still. Even as she croaks out readily, "I-I-I pledge it, with all my soul," she begins to weep. "Beautiful, beautiful Riddle.." Tefin whispers, brushing the tears from her cheek with gentle fingertips, wishing he could give her a tight hug but not trusting his balance enough to try it. These tears...yet another riddle on top of all of the others. "I thank you, with all that I have, Riddle. But why do you cry?" Wayfound has never liked crying; it clogs up her throat and nose, and for the life of her she has not been able to discern why emotional stress provokes such an obviously _physical_ reaction. The mystery has always vexed her, and that almost as much as the actual emotional cause of the crying makes her face crinkle up in consternation. But she also holds herself very still, allowing just enough tilt to her head to put her cheek into better reach of the smaller elf's fingers. "The... last elf who said that to me... who... who asked me to talk to him about anything at any time... h-he was my lovemate, and, and I... haven't seen him, since we w-w-were separated leaving Lostholt--" She cuts herself off then, frustratedly rubbing a hand across her eyes. And in a voice entirely unlike her usual measured tones, a voice of profound plaintive aggravation, she adds, "I hate crying." He offers her a clean (somewhat) cloth pulled from the recesses of his waist pouch to clean her face off with. "I'll make you a deal, then, Wayfound. If we ever become separated and you wish to find me again, I will be right here, at the base of this tree, at the beginning of each season. No matter where I am...I'll come here so you can find me." He chuckles softly at that final admission, the plaintive cub that she rarely was growing up making a brief appearance. "Also, if you wish it...emotions are welcome at my fire as well." She looks up at that, blinking tear-wet eyes; they're generally lambent in the moonlight anyway, those wolf's eyes of hers, but with her tears spilling forth from within them they take on an added layer of depth... and an added layer of light. "I accept your bargain," she rasps, once again trying for a smile, though it's a wan effort. "And... I... forgive me, Tefin, I-I-I have grown unused to expressing such things...!" Tefin lightly daubs the tears from her cheeks with his cloth, hrm-ing softly to himself. "That is perfectly allright, my Riddle, you have been away from others for ten turns...emotions tend to be unnecessary when one is alone. It is not a requirement...simply an offer to...let your guard down, if you wish." He smiles and trusts himself enough to lean in and give you a gentle hug before regaining his balance. Tefin says "I want you to feel safe." It's a good tree, a sturdy tree, and it can easily bear the weight of a couple of small elves -- even when one of them leans over to try to hug the other, and when the other feels compelled to return the hug herself. Wayfound loops a slender arm about Tefin's neck for a moment, squeezing gently, then bobs her head. "You sound like Arnos," she mumbles then. "He is forever attempting to get me to sing with him. Or dance." Singing and dancing later, perhaps, but at this point, Tefin's expectations of the relationship between himself and Wayfound are totally blown away. Another small blush colors his cheeks as she draps an arm around his neck and returns that hug...he can't help it. "Is that such a bad thing? To lose your inhibitions and to just play and sing and dance?" And it's not that he's afraid of the tree breaking, he's afraid of losing his footing. "There is a pleasure in it," Wayfound admits, pulling back a bit now, sniffling and again scrubbing a hand across her dampened eyes. A ghost of a smile still lingers about one corner of her mouth as she continues, too, "I-I-I had not really... _truly_ realized, till I saw the Vraeyans and how they make their music. They are very loud, you know, and their voices are rather deeper than ours... but they h-have a wondrous sense of rhythm and of harmony, and they sing together often...!" Ah, she's babbling now, and aware of it, shy consciousness of her words growing scattered palpable in her expression... but then, Tefin *had* invited her to lower her guard. And it might be concluded now that she doesn't quite know what to do when her guard is down. A laugh bubbles up from deep within Tefin at that, shaking his sides and blurring his vision at the stream of words coming from her. "perhaps when they reach their destination, we will dance with them?" He asks with a visible twinkle in his eye and a quirk of a smile. Suddenly, the smile mellows and he asks, simply, "How do you feel, Riddle?" This takes her aback... but she meets Tefin's eyes again, though she still blushes a trifle with a hint of wonder at this new name that has been gifted her. For all that the Wolfrider maiden's facility for communication has been challenged tonight, her answer to that succint query comes without a moment's hesitation. Moreover, it comes with the easiest smile she has offered yet, and a continued steadiness of that nascent light within her eyes. "Safe, Tefin... I feel safe." [End log.]